Thriving Mind | South Florida (Contracting as South Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc.) promotes access to effective, accountable, and compassionate care for individuals and families in our community with mental illnesses and substance use disorders. We fund and oversee a safety net of services for uninsured individuals in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, with a total population of almost 3 million people, supported by Florida’s Department of Children and Families and other public and private sources.

Serving: Miami-Dade and Monroe counties.
John Newcomer, MD, President and Chief Executive Offıcer
John Newcomer, MD, serves as president and CEO of Thriving Mind | South Florida, which manages mental health and substance abuse services for Miami-Dade and Monroe counties on behalf of the State of Florida. Through this position, he has developed a deep understanding of local behavioral health needs and has established himself as a leader in responding to mental health and substance abuse crises that affect the community.
Dr. Newcomer’s extensive medical experience includes a psychiatry residency at Stanford University and a medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine. He also has an extensive background in medical research and has served as a principal investigator on research grants funded by the National Institutes of Health for over 20 years.
Dr. Newcomer has contributed his leadership and expertise to several organizations, including serving on the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology board of directors and as an American Board of Psychiatry Diplomat. He has also held multiple leadership positions at academic institutions, including Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and Florida Atlantic University. During his service at FAU, Dr. Newcomer served as vice dean, interim vice president for research and professor of Integrated Medical Science at the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine.